Monday, June 8, 2009

Always Doin' Somethin'

Knowing how our summer is planned I will probably have something cool to post every weekend. I sat down and figured out our summer schedule and there were only three free weekends all summer. Too much to do and too little time! This last weekend we started off the morning in Eagle Mountain for a parade Brady was marching in. It was one of the longest parade routes ever and there were almost 130 entries - not bad for the middle of nowhere. The loot the kids collected wasn't too bad either, but they were still sad because the group next to us got everything - like 6 t-shirts, and hat, frisbee and everthing, and we mostly got candy! After that we headed to the Girl Scout Cookie Party. (What would my life be like without Scouts???) It was a huge free carnival for the kids with prizes and bounce house things - the works. After that we headed off to the Kennecott Copper Mine. It was the first time any of had been there. I figured since Ethan would be studying mining with Utah history this year we would make the trip. It was surprisingly pretty cool. If the weather had been better we might have stayed longer, but it was windy and cold and we were hungry. So we went to the Old Spagetti Factory. It is great because it had a special gluten free menu for Hailey. Poor Andrew just couldn't keep up. He fell alseep at the table just before the ice cream arrived! The next day was the air show at the base. We have been looking forward to this for a long time, since the last one we were able to attend was in 2006. I checked a few different weather reports that said it would rain all day. I asked the kids if they cared if it was raining and they said no, so we bundled up and off we went. It was raining the entire time we were there. The good part was compared to the time we were there before this time was actually better. I'll take the rain over the heat anyday. There weren't too many people either. The longest line we stood in was to get into the cockpit of the c-5. They still were able to do everything they wanted to do -- collect all the free stuff and visit the NASA booth. They also had a great time stomping in all the puddles. We had to leave a little early, and as we were leaving it stopped raining and was clear the rest of the day. That was frustrating. If weather people are paid so dang much to predict weather, why can't they be even somewhat accurate? Ethan and I went to the park by our house in the afternoon to watch the Thunderbirds do their thing in the afternoon. All in all it was a pretty busy weekend!

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