Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Holidays from the Liddell's

Our nice family picture was taken at the school after the kids finished their Christmas program.  They all did a really great job!  The other picture is from Christmas morning (if that wasn't obvious).  As usual we said we were going to do less, but you can't tell by looking at the mess!
We had a very nice holiday break.  We were so lucky because dad was able to have two weeks off to be home with us over break.  Our highlight was going to visit my cousin in Eagle Mountain and ride her horse.  Hailey will be very sad I didn't post a picture of her.  I got a new camera for Christmas and it it so sensitive that many of my pictures turn out blurry.
Brady and I also went to an 80's prom that our friends put together.  It was fun hanging out with friends and looking at all the old pictures.  The best part though, was when we were the only two dancing together on the floor and Brady was singing to me.  I am such a sucker for a guy who sings. 

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