Saturday, February 28, 2009

Third Grade

Having Ethan skip second grade has proven to be a great thing on so many levels! He is still doing wonderfully and from what the teachers tells me is one of the best behaved in the class too. They have done all kinds of neat things this year. They worked on Indian projects in November. He made wampum beads and a longhouse for the Mowhawks. They put on a great Christmas program with other classes too. In Feburary they did a Valentine's program where they performed over different dances like the Virgina Reel. (I forgot to take my camera for that one.) Ethan has also chosen to be on the jope rope team that travels to other schools to demonstrate cool jump rope tricks. The pictures I included were from Bates Elem. I was impressed they handled having such a huge crowd for thier first time out so well. I was really impressed with what he could do with a rope! I even got out there and tried a little double dutch with them myself. (Nothing like being shown up by a third grader!)

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