Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Angry Budding Artist

One minute I am filled with overwhelming pride at how great my kids are and the next I am raging with fury at how cruel they can be. Let me explain: my daughter was sitting at the table minding her own business when Ethan came over and put his hands on her shoulders. I don't think he was trying to hurt her or be mean, but she started screaming as if she had been mortally wounded. She said Ethan slapped her. My husband tried to get him to apologize. He did not want to because he said she was lying. He could not get it through his head that by accident he could have actually hurt her. Ethan constantly says other people are lying. He just doesn't get it. So I sent him to his room to think about it.
Now, skipping to positive for a moment. A month ago Hailey won second place in an art contest for the newspaper. Moments before the above altercation we got a phone call saying she won third place in a KUED writing and illustrating contest. Way cool. They will send her some prizes next week and will post her story on the Internet in a few weeks. She might even have the chance to be a spokesperson for Reading Rainbow next January.
I had just opened this program to write all those glowing things about my daughter, only to have her, at the exact same moment go to her grounded brothers room to taunt him. Telling him she was glad he was leaving for California tomorrow -- exceptionally cruel.
Why can't the sweet goodness last more than 10 seconds? UGH!

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