Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Andrew's 4th Birthday/ Dance and Tumbling Show

Andrew's birthday was a busy day.  We had two soccer games, a scout jamboree, dance recital practice, dance recital and his party -- all squeezed into one day!  For once, it wasn't me that went to the scouting activity, so there are no pictures of it.
Andrew absolutely loved his tumbling class this year.  Their end of year program used the music "Kung Fu Fighting"  He thought is was the coolest ever. He had a huge smile on his face the whole time.   The pictures may look strange because I was backstage.  Hailey took a hip hop class this year.  Her show music was a tune called, "Monkey's Uncle".  (I forgot to take pictures while she danced.  we have a video, but aren't posting it).  They both did an outstanding job.  I was really upset that for a hip hop class there were no actual hip hop moves in her dance. However, she did very well and may be ready to move on to a more serious dance studio.  

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