Thursday, May 28, 2009

Andrew's 3rd Birthday

I thought it was funny when I looked at Andrew's 2nd year birthday picture and his 3rd year birthday picture how similar they were! He is wearing the same color shirt and his cake is similarly themed -- trucks and cars! The only real difference is his cheeks are a little less chubby! But they are still way cute! This year Andrew's birthday was on a Friday and I had to work that day, so the next door neighbors were watching him for me and took him to a school carnival and picnic. Then when the kids were out of school we took him to the Treehouse Museum. The next day was Hailey's recital day, so we didn't really have his family party until the next day. He got a remote controlled car and a bubble lawn mower and some Hot Wheels cars. I think he had a lot of fun!

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