Thursday, May 28, 2009


We had some excite a few weekends ago. Hailey came into the house and said there were some bees on our apple tree. I said that was okay. It just meant that the flowers were being pollinated. Hailey said,"No, MOM! There are BEES on our tree!" So I went and looked as was astonished to see the large swarm that bent the limb of the tree down it was so heavy with them. I tried to call all kinds of people to come do something about it, but it was 4 p.m. on Friday and no one answered their phones. I did learn, however, that it against the law to kill honey bees. Eventually someone called me back and came to the house to get them free of charge, but we weren't home when they came over. We had to have our neighbors let the guy in. More or less, he just brought a big box, cut off the limb and placed it in the box and once the queen was in there the rest followed. It was amazing how close you could get to that many bees, but we were still pretty glad to get them out of our yard as quickly as possible!

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