Thursday, May 28, 2009

Field Day

Every year the student's at St. Paul go down to Salt Lake and compete against all the other Lutheran private school's in various competitive events. Last year I was not able to go since I was working, but I went this year. It was a long hot day in the sun, but the kids have a blast. Even though we were at this huge park with tons of events to compete in all they really wanted to do was play at the playground. Go figure! Ethan came home with four ribbons. He won first place in jump roping. He jumped 155 times in a minute. He also got ribbons for shirt exchange relay, ball throw and crab crawl. Hailey got three ribbons. She got second place in jump rope for 84 jumps in a minute and third in tug-a-war and sack race. The cool part about Hailey's day was being the only girl in her class. Most of the events were divided between boys and girls, so every time she went to compete she had all eleven boys in her class rooting for her. Her teacher told her to savor the moment because she might not ever have 11 boys cheering just for her ever again! It really was cool. Hayden had four ribbons. One for tug-a-war, sack race, class relay, and crab crawl. In the end it was neat to see everyone walking around with all their ribbons hanging all over them.

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